Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay on Science Related Topics - The Importance of Feedback

Essay on Science Related Topics - The Importance of FeedbackWriting an essay on science related topics can be quite a challenge for some. This is because we are used to learning in the classroom, when our interest was in the sciences and now we have grown out of that phase and we do not want to get caught up in the same cycle.You can find it difficult to teach a class about the life of Pythagoras or biology and evolution. Or you can teach students about any number of science-related subjects. Sometimes it is not enough to just teach students, we also need to give them the feedback and the tools necessary to give them the best feedback. Some students may not have the best idea of how to give out the right feedback to a professor, and when the teacher gives the appropriate feedback, we expect them to be good at giving feedback and at teaching the course.So what can we do in case we are writing an essay on science-related topics? The first thing is to understand that it is not easy to w rite such essays. Sometimes students will have no idea how to go about this exercise and make sure they do the right things. Students who are able to give the right feedback and just give the right feedback to the teacher are the ones who get the best grade in their syllabus, which means they can easily go about making it interesting for the teachers and students.This is the time when you should take the role of a mentor, which is quite necessary. You can make sure that the learning process of the students goes smoothly and that they learn at their best. Sometimes students cannot understand why they should ask for any feedback. This is the perfect time to look into what exactly needs to be done and how to go about getting the right feedback from the students.You can explain to the student why it is important for him to give feedback to the teacher. Once the student realizes that there is a need for the teacher to get the best feedback, they will feel less worried about the homework and will become focused on learning and taking exams. It is quite difficult to learn if you have never given any feedback to the instructor. The teacher will notice that the student is always looking out for the right feedback and giving the feedback to the teacher.If the learning process of the students is going smooth, then the other people involved in the learning process, including the instructors and the guidance counselors, will see that the student is confident of what he is doing and will also do all they can to get the best possible feedback from the student. This will really help the students, as they will not feel too anxious when they are learning anything. They will find it easy to study hard.It is not just that; sometimes the student will even say that he does not feel like doing it or even that he feels awkward. There are times when it is not so easy to give the right feedback to the teacher. The student might not understand how the teacher would view his homework and he might not know how the teacher would look at his syllabus. Once the student understands how it will be given, the students will work on how they can better give the right feedback.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Operational and Marketing Strategies at Costco Wholesale Free Essay Example, 750 words

The main strategy applied involves the sale of the highest quality brands at the lowest prices that are below other retail outlets and wholesale stores. The customer s satisfaction is considered first with the products easily affordable for purchase given first priority in their stocking. Generally, the growth entity revolved around keeping a relatively low price range to lure more customers experiencing high sales that boost growth (Thompson et al, 2012). The markups applied by Costco are carefully selected to maintain the prizes at relatively low maintaining it at a record 20% below most retail prizes. The philosophy involves taking the lowest prize offered for a good and further making a lower offer on the same products to induce an increased sale margin. Marketing strategyMost customers and membership acquisition by Costco arise from word of mouth and merger with local businesses. Most advertising campaigns are restricted to a minimal entity as the services Costco offers are sel f-marketing. The low price index attributes positive feedback from the customers promoting referrals that sell the brand identity. However, amongst the three top Wholesale clubs in America, BJ offers the most competition. We will write a custom essay sample on Operational and Marketing Strategies at Costco Wholesale or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page By expanding the outlets and stocking a more flexible product range, more profits will be realized as the company moves towards total market share acquisition. Advertising campaigns on newly stocked products and extension of working hours may also reduce the competition level.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Analysis Of Kate Chopin s Desiree s Baby

The Outlook of Racism in the 19th Century Written prior to the Civil War and published in 1893, Kate Chopin’s work â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† is a short story about miscegenation within a French family living in Louisiana in the late nineteenth century. Miscegenation is defined as the mixture of different racial groups, through marriage or cohabitation, between a white race and a member of another race. Chopin writes this piece of realistic fiction which exposes the issues of society that would not be faced until many years after her death. â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† revolves around two main characters, Armand Aubigny and Desiree Valmonde, who bears a child; however, the baby’s appearance does not turn out as expected. Influenced by Realism, â€Å"Desiree’s Baby†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Moreover, when Armand and Desiree’s baby is born, Armand’s behavior transforms a little: â€Å"he hasn’t punished one of them – not one of them – since th e baby is born. Even Negrillon, who pretended to have burnt his leg that he might rest from work – he only laughed, and said Negrillon was a scump. Oh, mamma, I’m so happy; it frightens me† (Chopin 540). Armand becomes a little more tolerant towards the slaves, but it can be inferred that he is a master who punishes his workers, is harsh, and has no consideration towards them. Armand views blacks and anyone being of the mixed-race inferior to the race to which he belonged. Furthermore, Chopin effectively uses Realism to focus on the cultural struggles and social issues during her time. One of the controversial topics which Chopin exposes is racism. In â€Å"Desiree’s Baby,† Chopin argues that racism can destroy a family, community, or society. As Armand realizes the fact that their baby shows physical features of black ancestry, his attitude towards Desiree and the baby changes too: â€Å"Then a strange, an awful change in her husband’s manner, which she dared not to ask him to explain. When he spoke to her, it was with averted eyes, from which the old love-light seemed to have gone out† (Chopin 540). Armand’s realization causes him to distance himself from everyone, later questioning Desiree and blaming her, due to her unknown origins: â€Å"It means,† he answered lightly, â€Å"that the child is notShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Desiree s Baby By Kate Chopin1446 Words   |  6 PagesAnalysis of Desiree’ s Baby In the story Desiree s Baby by Kate Chopin the plot mainly revolves around race issues and also includes elements of sexism. In terms of race the difference between being white and being black shows vital importance in the characters lives through the story. As Desiree and Armand both originally associate themselves with the white class, once the plot unveils their black heritage they are faced with uncertainty, and ultimately their lives become meaninglessRead MoreAn Analysis Of Kate Chopin s Desiree s Baby Essay1067 Words   |  5 Pages Kate Chopin life and her short story Dà ©sirà ©e’s Baby Chopin was an American novelist and she also wrote many short stories. Chopin was a feminist pioneer movement on American literature and the world. Chopin was born in St. Louis Missouri on February 8, 1850. Her father was an Irish immigrant who was a very successful businessman. Chopin father died when she was a little girl. For that reason, she grew up with her mother and grandmother since she was a child. She was an insatiable reader and thatRead MoreAnalysis Of Kate Chopin s Desiree s Baby 987 Words   |  4 Pagesunderstanding of people are compromised.† Kate Chopin’s story, â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† is a story solely of racial identity, sexism, pride and love. Throughout, there’s symbolism to indicate unequal gender functions, as well as racial prejudice. Readers become mindful of the effects love and pride has over actions, as the story foreshadows numerously. Thoroughly, analytical evidence will focus on the irony of racial identity, symbolism of sexism, pride and love. Desiree’s Baby is a short story centered directlyRead MoreAnalysis Of Desiree s Baby By Kate Chopin919 Words   |  4 PagesDesiree’s Baby†: An Annotated bibliography Thesis: Kate Chopin combines the racial and social differences on the eighteen century, in which people have to face racial discrimination amongst a social empire, which brings many conflicts within diverse couples about their firstborns. Chopin, Kate Desiree’s Baby. Short Stories (print 7/14/2015). In the short story, Desiree’s Baby, written by Kate Chopin there is a about of karma and consequences that produce the drama on the literature. The storyRead MoreAnalysis Of Kate Chopin s Desiree s Baby 951 Words   |  4 Pagesa major problem in the late nineteenth century. In Kate Chopin’s â€Å"Desiree’s Baby†, there were characters with extreme views towards race which led to a gruesome death. The major conflicts in â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† are from Armand assuming what he thought about Desiree was right, and not taking another answer that could be a possibility. Armand was the antagonist of the story and struggles against the beliefs that the country has about race. Desiree, the protagonist was in conflict with Armand over whoRead MoreAnalysis Of Kate Chopin s `` Desiree s Baby ``822 Words   |  4 PagesRegionalism reflected in Kate Chopin’s Writings During the latter half of the nineteenth-century, American literature had a renaissance with the development of new writing styles that strived to fully grasp and express the American way of life. Regionalism, which is a writing style that incorporates setting, dialect, and local color of certain regions of the United States was prominent among these new writing styles. Kate Chopin, one of the most prominent feminist writers of the nineteenth-centuryRead MoreAn Analysis Of Armand Aubigny s Desiree s Baby 1538 Words   |  7 PagesArmand Aubigny’s Pride in â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† by Kate Chopin Through history, we have always yearned independence and equality as human beings. Undoubtedly, Kate Chopin is an extraordinary example She has landed a commendable place among American writers worthy of recognition. Born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1850, Kate was raised by strong women who taught her the value of an education. Her family gave her a revolutionary vision and a feminist personality, but it was her talented and passionate skillsRead MoreAn Examination Of How Kate Chopin s Work1298 Words   |  6 PagesENGL 1102 – Comp/Lit Essay 2 (Mulry) Sellers, James R – 920022413 Due Date: April 20, 2015 An Examination of How Kate Chopin’s Works Taken Together Contribute to our Understanding of Her Time and the Place of Women in Society Looking at themes present in his short stories and novels, Kate Chopin presents examples of female strength and an assertive rebellion to the social norms during the late 1800s. By seeking to transparently and boldly portray the risquà © behavior of her lead characters, whichRead MoreInferences Lead to Tragedy: Irony that Ruins in Kate Chopins Desirees Baby744 Words   |  3 Pages Kate Chopin utilizes irony in â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† to warn people of the dangers of racism and how it can victimize not only the hated race, but also the one who is racist. â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† is a tale about a young slave owner, Armand, with a well-respected name in Louisiana. He marries an adopted woman named Desiree and once they have their child, he notices that the baby has black features. He assumes that since he does not know his wife’s racial background that his wife must have some sort ofRead MoreDesiree s Baby : A Literary Analysis1582 Words   |  7 PagesDesiree’s Baby—A Literary Analysis In the short story, â€Å"Desiree’s Baby,† Kate Chopin exposes the harsh realities of racial divide, male dominance, and slavery in Antebellum Louisiana. Although written in 1894, Chopin revisits the deep-south during a period of white privilege and slavery. Told through third-person narration, the reader is introduced to characters whose individual morals and values become the key elements leading to the ironic downfall of this antebellum romance. As Chopin takes the

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sex pressure Essay Example For Students

Sex pressure Essay The media is just one of the factors responsible for the increase in teen sexuality. Throughout a humans adolescents years they are subject to a number of sexual pressures. Through research I have found that peers are among the most influential. An adolescent is not limited to peer pressure though. They face pressures from the media as well. I believe that media pressure is just a influential as peer pressure. There is also other pressure, from people such as older friends, parents, and just adults in general. Peers is a term that can be defined as friends. I have found that many teens have friends that are athletes. In high schools, boy athletes outscore all of the other boys with the girls(Elias 1). On the other hand , girls on sports teams are much less sexually active than other females who do not play sports(Elias 1). This shows that male athletes are far more pressuring each other on the issue of sexuality. So for males who are into sports they are subjected to a host of pressures and can as a result do things they would not normally do. On the contrary, I found that females who do sports are far less pressured and influenced about sex. In fact they are far less likely to be sexually active than teen females who do not participate in sports. I believe that all teens in general should know the results of being a sexually active teen. There are many consequences of being sexually active, one of the major one being sexually transmitted diseases. A sexually transmitted disease might not sound so bad but, some can cause sterility and even worse , death. Even when condoms are used, a STD can still be transmitted. Depending on the type of std they can or can not be cured. A few diseases that can not be cured include herpes, HPV, And HIV, which later turns into the virus AIDS. The disease HPV can cause cervical cancer and HIV results in a long, painful death. Almost a third of sexually active teens contracted a new STD within a mere six months, reported one study, even among condom users(Terilliger 2). Once a teen has become sexually active he or she must assume new roles. Males must think about the issue of perhaps becoming a father by accident of intentionally. Moreover, females must think about all the consequences of having sex. No sex happens to be the safest form of sexual activity. It is not hard for a condom to break of for birth control pills to be forgotten once or twice during a cycle to cause a pregnancy. In addition, once a female becomes pregnant there are few options she can explore. In a like manner, adults are an impact on a teens sexuality. Most teens look up to an adult and admire them. Likewise, they want to try to be like there idol. This is why an adult can have a profound impact on a teen trying to cope with the pressures of sexuality. That is why all adults in all classes of society should watch what they do or say in relation to teens. For example, The President of the United States was adulterous and lied about it. We as society say so what? when the accusations surfaced at first(Kavanagh 13). In the same fashion, the media plays a huge part of sexual pressures exerted on a teen. One way being television. Television at the present time is full of vulgarness and sex. As far as prime time television is concerned is safer to watch old re runs of the Lucy Show and the Cosby Show. they ere from an era where sex was not such a prime time staple(Riley 186). .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 , .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .postImageUrl , .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 , .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5:hover , .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5:visited , .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5:active { border:0!important; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5:active , .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Introduction For A Business Ethics Essay This show how much society has changed concerning sex. In the old times sex was not a way to get better ratings like it is today. Similarly, music has an impact on an adolescents sexuality. Rap lyrics at the current time are full of obscenities and words concerning sex. In the rapper Eminems song Role Model , he says, Im going to rape her and leave her, once I get near her(mathers 1). When the media says these kind of things teens are lead to believe that this type of behavior is normal and should not be digressed. Every teen listens to some kind of music with obscenities and vulgarness, so all are subjected to these kind of musical lyrics. Many teens even idolize musical artists, so they would intern try to be like what they think the artist actually does. Even though most lyrics are just lyrics and are not intentionally made to mislead teens or anyone. In conclusion, I have found that the media is one of the factors concerning teen sexuality. Furthermore, peers are another huge impact on a teens sexuality. In addition, there where also pressures from adults. through this I search paper I have found out a lot of interesting concepts concerning what a teen is pressured by sexually, during the growing years. It was one of the most informative researches I ever did.Bibliography: