Friday, December 20, 2019

Serial Killers Have Plagued The World Since Before The 1500s

Serial killers have plagued the world since before the 1500s. Theories have evolved over long periods of time for explanations as to why people begin killing. The earliest explanation was rooted in witchcraft and demonic possessions overtaking the person causing them to commit these acts of violence. Biological, psychological, and social theories have emerged over the years as society has developed and advanced. The latest theory suggests that the behavior of serial killers results as a combination of biological, psychological, and socialization factors. Despite the numerous theories trying to explain the phenomena of serial killing, no one knows exactly why or how seemingly normal people begin killing others. One of the most infamous serial killers was Donald Harvey. Harvey was a self-proclaimed â€Å"angel of death.† He murdered dozens of victims as a hospital aid. Due to Harvey’s difficult childhood and prolonged sexual abuse, Donald developed a psychopathic-type pe rsonality disorder and killed dozens of victims. Donald Harvey’s childhood appeared to be a normal and loving one, but was actually a childhood filled with bullying and extreme sexual abuse. Harvey was born on April 15, 1952 in Butler County, Ohio. His parents relocated them to Booneville, Kentucky shortly after his birth. He grew up as a loner and was often bullied by other children. He retreated into books and was referred to as a â€Å"teacher s pet† (Newton, 2010). Harvey was known as a smart kid but found school

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