Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Role of Barriers and Technology in Globalization Essay

Job of Barriers and Technology in Globalization - Essay Example The continuous decrease of these hindrances has helped lead to the procedure of globalization by taking into consideration an all the more free stream products and administrations across limits. Nonetheless, as indicated by Micklethwait and Wooldridge (2003) the decrease of hindrances isn't a simple procedure. In many cases it requires the death of genuine enactment and laws over significant stretches of time. From this viewpoint one could contend that globalization doesn't happen by a wide margin, rather it is a moderate and strenuous procedure to the extent that there isn't one second that could be pinpointed as the impetus for globalization. Besides, the procedure requires a lot of altruism from countries to help guarantee that countries stay on favorable terms with one another, for example, the U.S. going of the Mashall plan to help manufacture Europe as a solid exchanging accomplice. Another major contributing element of globalization is the job of innovation. Much like the decr ease of exchange hindrances there is nobody single wellspring of mechanical development that is the sole benefactor of globalization. Or maybe it is a progression of a few new innovations that add to globalization. One of the major new innovations is improved correspondence channels. By approaching phones, fax machines, email, the web, texting, cell phone gadgets and so forth., there comes an expanded straightforwardness.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Whose Sentence is it Anyway Free Essays

The title of this exercise is â€Å"Whose Sentence is it Anyway?†Ã¢ It depends on the TV show â€Å"Whose Line is it Anyway?† and is an exercise intended to improve the language expressions aptitudes of the students.â Under this exercise plan, the subjects, for this situation the understudies, must have the option to finish the sentence that is given to them by the instructor.â The objective of these learning practices is to have the option to improve the underlined language expressions strand identified with the introduction of English words and sentences. We will compose a custom exposition test on Whose Sentence is it Anyway? or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now A vital part in the learning of language expressions has consistently been the comprehension of how certain words, when utilized in various request and setting, have various implications and can pass on an entirely unexpected message based on what was initially intended.â The key segment of these activities in learning the language expressions lies in the diversion estimation of such and furthermore the gathering work that is included, trying to likewise empower social associations among the understudies. The primary idea to be educated in these activities includes the comprehension of Basic English sentence structures and the utilization of accentuations in sentences.â Incidental to these learning practices is the need for the understudies to have a fundamental comprehension of the numerous employments of specific expressions of the English language.â This exercise plan additionally assists understudies with managing distinctive social circumstances and shows what the fitting reactions are to these circumstances by exhibiting the impacts when an appropriate reaction isn't given instead of how successful correspondence can be the point at which the best possible reaction is given. The structure of the exercise plan will follow the essential diagram as replicated inside this report. Language Arts Activity: Complete the Silly Sentence Accentuated Language Arts Strand: Presenting I. The Basic Concepts: Sentence structure and utilization of English jargon II. Social Objectives The understudies are relied upon to figure out how to shape total and right sentences. The understudies are additionally expected to have the option to relate and decipher how various subjects, action words and modifiers identify with each other in finishing sentences. III. Materials: A holder checked â€Å"Feelings† or â€Å"Adjectives†, which contains ten overlaid cards with various emotions or descriptive words composed on them A holder stamped â€Å"Action† with ten overlaid cards with various activities composed on them A compartment stamped â€Å"Person† with ten overlaid cards with various individuals or occupations composed on them Covered â€Å"Complete Sentence† cards Little dry eradicate board and dry delete markers. IV. Educating/Learning Procedures: An understudy is to be picked as the â€Å"Pantomime Presenter† of the gathering while another understudy is picked to be the recorder.  The â€Å"Pantomime Presenter† takes one of the covered strips from every one of the three marked compartments.  The three strips drawn should frame a senseless sentence that the â€Å"Pantomime Presenter† must endeavor to communicate without the utilization of words.â different understudies must think about what the words composed on each card were and endeavor to assemble these words to shape the senseless sentence. Card subjects might be speculated each in turn with the end goal that when one card is speculated the recorder composes it on the board.  The first understudy to effectively figure each of the three card subjects together and accordingly shaping a total sentence gets a â€Å"Complete Sentence† card and turns into the following â€Å"Pantomime Presenter†.  The past â€Å"Pantomime Presenter† now turns into the recorder.  The first understudy to gather five â€Å"Complete Sentence† cards is granted with an action pass which qualifies understudy for five minutes additional inside time. V. Assessment: The educator assesses the student’s understanding by watching the game playing movement and by assisting with explaining questions or issues when required. Instructions to refer to Whose Sentence is it Anyway?, Essay models

Friday, August 21, 2020

Coca-Cola Internal Analysis and SWOT Analysis Essay

Coca-Cola Internal Analysis and SWOT Analysis - Essay Example Normally this implies the associations must build up their interior capacities to the degree that they will be hard for contenders to impersonate or substitute. This paper leads an inward examination of the Coca-Cola Company so as to portray those assets and capacities from which it infers its quality just as those skills that it either needs or ineffectively executes and as such are its significant shortcomings that contenders could misuse. The paper starts with an assessment of Coca-Cola’s substantial and immaterial assets that lead to its qualities at that point utilizes the worth chain examination to bring out and afterward break down the company’s shortcomings. Investigation Resource and competency examination According to Henry (2011) while the presence of assets is significant, without anyone else they don't present any advantages to the association. It is the manner by which productively these assets are designed that furnishes the association with capabilitie s that permit the association to accomplish upper hand. ... organization ready to mix fixings into the one of a kind Coke equation X - Ability to ceaselessly concoct new items or potentially grow product offerings - Managing the world’s biggest refreshment dissemination framework (Coca-Cola, 2012) additionally successful in diversifying - Enterprise Value: US$ 173.46 billion (Yahoo! Fund, 2012) - Current Ratio over 1 from 2009 to 2011 (EBIT Financial, 2012). - Return on Equity, Operating edge and Net edges have been twofold digits since 2007 (EBIT Financial, 2012) Financial - Has the assets for R&D, advertise improvement, showcase extension, etc. - Company’s effective in turning its item to money - Ability to reliably convey benefits consoles speculators and different providers of monetary capital - 146,200 workers Human - Also has a solid assorted variety and incorporation arrangement that advances its ability pool - Holds mystery recipe X Intellectual/mechanical - Own and advertise four of the world’s top fi ve nonalcoholic shimmering refreshment brands: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. Intangibles - Intelligently misused the puzzle of Coke’s recipe X for showcase situating - Renown for unrivaled publicizing and other market advancement strategies From the table over three key qualities develop. Right off the bat, Coca-Cola has a striking worldwide nearness. This empowers the organization to use its economies of scale to debilitate the intensity of its providers just as its clients. Likewise, this worldwide nearness suggests that the organization can adjust its exhibition in moderate financial locales with that from blasting monetary districts to continue its benefit. Besides, the company’s sound monetary position in any event, during the worldwide downturn gives it a decent FICO assessment. This implies the organization can without much of a stretch raise extra capital for different key

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay on Science Related Topics - The Importance of Feedback

Essay on Science Related Topics - The Importance of FeedbackWriting an essay on science related topics can be quite a challenge for some. This is because we are used to learning in the classroom, when our interest was in the sciences and now we have grown out of that phase and we do not want to get caught up in the same cycle.You can find it difficult to teach a class about the life of Pythagoras or biology and evolution. Or you can teach students about any number of science-related subjects. Sometimes it is not enough to just teach students, we also need to give them the feedback and the tools necessary to give them the best feedback. Some students may not have the best idea of how to give out the right feedback to a professor, and when the teacher gives the appropriate feedback, we expect them to be good at giving feedback and at teaching the course.So what can we do in case we are writing an essay on science-related topics? The first thing is to understand that it is not easy to w rite such essays. Sometimes students will have no idea how to go about this exercise and make sure they do the right things. Students who are able to give the right feedback and just give the right feedback to the teacher are the ones who get the best grade in their syllabus, which means they can easily go about making it interesting for the teachers and students.This is the time when you should take the role of a mentor, which is quite necessary. You can make sure that the learning process of the students goes smoothly and that they learn at their best. Sometimes students cannot understand why they should ask for any feedback. This is the perfect time to look into what exactly needs to be done and how to go about getting the right feedback from the students.You can explain to the student why it is important for him to give feedback to the teacher. Once the student realizes that there is a need for the teacher to get the best feedback, they will feel less worried about the homework and will become focused on learning and taking exams. It is quite difficult to learn if you have never given any feedback to the instructor. The teacher will notice that the student is always looking out for the right feedback and giving the feedback to the teacher.If the learning process of the students is going smooth, then the other people involved in the learning process, including the instructors and the guidance counselors, will see that the student is confident of what he is doing and will also do all they can to get the best possible feedback from the student. This will really help the students, as they will not feel too anxious when they are learning anything. They will find it easy to study hard.It is not just that; sometimes the student will even say that he does not feel like doing it or even that he feels awkward. There are times when it is not so easy to give the right feedback to the teacher. The student might not understand how the teacher would view his homework and he might not know how the teacher would look at his syllabus. Once the student understands how it will be given, the students will work on how they can better give the right feedback.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Operational and Marketing Strategies at Costco Wholesale Free Essay Example, 750 words

The main strategy applied involves the sale of the highest quality brands at the lowest prices that are below other retail outlets and wholesale stores. The customer s satisfaction is considered first with the products easily affordable for purchase given first priority in their stocking. Generally, the growth entity revolved around keeping a relatively low price range to lure more customers experiencing high sales that boost growth (Thompson et al, 2012). The markups applied by Costco are carefully selected to maintain the prizes at relatively low maintaining it at a record 20% below most retail prizes. The philosophy involves taking the lowest prize offered for a good and further making a lower offer on the same products to induce an increased sale margin. Marketing strategyMost customers and membership acquisition by Costco arise from word of mouth and merger with local businesses. Most advertising campaigns are restricted to a minimal entity as the services Costco offers are sel f-marketing. The low price index attributes positive feedback from the customers promoting referrals that sell the brand identity. However, amongst the three top Wholesale clubs in America, BJ offers the most competition. We will write a custom essay sample on Operational and Marketing Strategies at Costco Wholesale or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page By expanding the outlets and stocking a more flexible product range, more profits will be realized as the company moves towards total market share acquisition. Advertising campaigns on newly stocked products and extension of working hours may also reduce the competition level.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Analysis Of Kate Chopin s Desiree s Baby

The Outlook of Racism in the 19th Century Written prior to the Civil War and published in 1893, Kate Chopin’s work â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† is a short story about miscegenation within a French family living in Louisiana in the late nineteenth century. Miscegenation is defined as the mixture of different racial groups, through marriage or cohabitation, between a white race and a member of another race. Chopin writes this piece of realistic fiction which exposes the issues of society that would not be faced until many years after her death. â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† revolves around two main characters, Armand Aubigny and Desiree Valmonde, who bears a child; however, the baby’s appearance does not turn out as expected. Influenced by Realism, â€Å"Desiree’s Baby†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Moreover, when Armand and Desiree’s baby is born, Armand’s behavior transforms a little: â€Å"he hasn’t punished one of them – not one of them – since th e baby is born. Even Negrillon, who pretended to have burnt his leg that he might rest from work – he only laughed, and said Negrillon was a scump. Oh, mamma, I’m so happy; it frightens me† (Chopin 540). Armand becomes a little more tolerant towards the slaves, but it can be inferred that he is a master who punishes his workers, is harsh, and has no consideration towards them. Armand views blacks and anyone being of the mixed-race inferior to the race to which he belonged. Furthermore, Chopin effectively uses Realism to focus on the cultural struggles and social issues during her time. One of the controversial topics which Chopin exposes is racism. In â€Å"Desiree’s Baby,† Chopin argues that racism can destroy a family, community, or society. As Armand realizes the fact that their baby shows physical features of black ancestry, his attitude towards Desiree and the baby changes too: â€Å"Then a strange, an awful change in her husband’s manner, which she dared not to ask him to explain. When he spoke to her, it was with averted eyes, from which the old love-light seemed to have gone out† (Chopin 540). Armand’s realization causes him to distance himself from everyone, later questioning Desiree and blaming her, due to her unknown origins: â€Å"It means,† he answered lightly, â€Å"that the child is notShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Desiree s Baby By Kate Chopin1446 Words   |  6 PagesAnalysis of Desiree’ s Baby In the story Desiree s Baby by Kate Chopin the plot mainly revolves around race issues and also includes elements of sexism. In terms of race the difference between being white and being black shows vital importance in the characters lives through the story. As Desiree and Armand both originally associate themselves with the white class, once the plot unveils their black heritage they are faced with uncertainty, and ultimately their lives become meaninglessRead MoreAn Analysis Of Kate Chopin s Desiree s Baby Essay1067 Words   |  5 Pages Kate Chopin life and her short story Dà ©sirà ©e’s Baby Chopin was an American novelist and she also wrote many short stories. Chopin was a feminist pioneer movement on American literature and the world. Chopin was born in St. Louis Missouri on February 8, 1850. Her father was an Irish immigrant who was a very successful businessman. Chopin father died when she was a little girl. For that reason, she grew up with her mother and grandmother since she was a child. She was an insatiable reader and thatRead MoreAnalysis Of Kate Chopin s Desiree s Baby 987 Words   |  4 Pagesunderstanding of people are compromised.† Kate Chopin’s story, â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† is a story solely of racial identity, sexism, pride and love. Throughout, there’s symbolism to indicate unequal gender functions, as well as racial prejudice. Readers become mindful of the effects love and pride has over actions, as the story foreshadows numerously. Thoroughly, analytical evidence will focus on the irony of racial identity, symbolism of sexism, pride and love. Desiree’s Baby is a short story centered directlyRead MoreAnalysis Of Desiree s Baby By Kate Chopin919 Words   |  4 PagesDesiree’s Baby†: An Annotated bibliography Thesis: Kate Chopin combines the racial and social differences on the eighteen century, in which people have to face racial discrimination amongst a social empire, which brings many conflicts within diverse couples about their firstborns. Chopin, Kate Desiree’s Baby. Short Stories (print 7/14/2015). In the short story, Desiree’s Baby, written by Kate Chopin there is a about of karma and consequences that produce the drama on the literature. The storyRead MoreAnalysis Of Kate Chopin s Desiree s Baby 951 Words   |  4 Pagesa major problem in the late nineteenth century. In Kate Chopin’s â€Å"Desiree’s Baby†, there were characters with extreme views towards race which led to a gruesome death. The major conflicts in â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† are from Armand assuming what he thought about Desiree was right, and not taking another answer that could be a possibility. Armand was the antagonist of the story and struggles against the beliefs that the country has about race. Desiree, the protagonist was in conflict with Armand over whoRead MoreAnalysis Of Kate Chopin s `` Desiree s Baby ``822 Words   |  4 PagesRegionalism reflected in Kate Chopin’s Writings During the latter half of the nineteenth-century, American literature had a renaissance with the development of new writing styles that strived to fully grasp and express the American way of life. Regionalism, which is a writing style that incorporates setting, dialect, and local color of certain regions of the United States was prominent among these new writing styles. Kate Chopin, one of the most prominent feminist writers of the nineteenth-centuryRead MoreAn Analysis Of Armand Aubigny s Desiree s Baby 1538 Words   |  7 PagesArmand Aubigny’s Pride in â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† by Kate Chopin Through history, we have always yearned independence and equality as human beings. Undoubtedly, Kate Chopin is an extraordinary example She has landed a commendable place among American writers worthy of recognition. Born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1850, Kate was raised by strong women who taught her the value of an education. Her family gave her a revolutionary vision and a feminist personality, but it was her talented and passionate skillsRead MoreAn Examination Of How Kate Chopin s Work1298 Words   |  6 PagesENGL 1102 – Comp/Lit Essay 2 (Mulry) Sellers, James R – 920022413 Due Date: April 20, 2015 An Examination of How Kate Chopin’s Works Taken Together Contribute to our Understanding of Her Time and the Place of Women in Society Looking at themes present in his short stories and novels, Kate Chopin presents examples of female strength and an assertive rebellion to the social norms during the late 1800s. By seeking to transparently and boldly portray the risquà © behavior of her lead characters, whichRead MoreInferences Lead to Tragedy: Irony that Ruins in Kate Chopins Desirees Baby744 Words   |  3 Pages Kate Chopin utilizes irony in â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† to warn people of the dangers of racism and how it can victimize not only the hated race, but also the one who is racist. â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† is a tale about a young slave owner, Armand, with a well-respected name in Louisiana. He marries an adopted woman named Desiree and once they have their child, he notices that the baby has black features. He assumes that since he does not know his wife’s racial background that his wife must have some sort ofRead MoreDesiree s Baby : A Literary Analysis1582 Words   |  7 PagesDesiree’s Baby—A Literary Analysis In the short story, â€Å"Desiree’s Baby,† Kate Chopin exposes the harsh realities of racial divide, male dominance, and slavery in Antebellum Louisiana. Although written in 1894, Chopin revisits the deep-south during a period of white privilege and slavery. Told through third-person narration, the reader is introduced to characters whose individual morals and values become the key elements leading to the ironic downfall of this antebellum romance. As Chopin takes the

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sex pressure Essay Example For Students

Sex pressure Essay The media is just one of the factors responsible for the increase in teen sexuality. Throughout a humans adolescents years they are subject to a number of sexual pressures. Through research I have found that peers are among the most influential. An adolescent is not limited to peer pressure though. They face pressures from the media as well. I believe that media pressure is just a influential as peer pressure. There is also other pressure, from people such as older friends, parents, and just adults in general. Peers is a term that can be defined as friends. I have found that many teens have friends that are athletes. In high schools, boy athletes outscore all of the other boys with the girls(Elias 1). On the other hand , girls on sports teams are much less sexually active than other females who do not play sports(Elias 1). This shows that male athletes are far more pressuring each other on the issue of sexuality. So for males who are into sports they are subjected to a host of pressures and can as a result do things they would not normally do. On the contrary, I found that females who do sports are far less pressured and influenced about sex. In fact they are far less likely to be sexually active than teen females who do not participate in sports. I believe that all teens in general should know the results of being a sexually active teen. There are many consequences of being sexually active, one of the major one being sexually transmitted diseases. A sexually transmitted disease might not sound so bad but, some can cause sterility and even worse , death. Even when condoms are used, a STD can still be transmitted. Depending on the type of std they can or can not be cured. A few diseases that can not be cured include herpes, HPV, And HIV, which later turns into the virus AIDS. The disease HPV can cause cervical cancer and HIV results in a long, painful death. Almost a third of sexually active teens contracted a new STD within a mere six months, reported one study, even among condom users(Terilliger 2). Once a teen has become sexually active he or she must assume new roles. Males must think about the issue of perhaps becoming a father by accident of intentionally. Moreover, females must think about all the consequences of having sex. No sex happens to be the safest form of sexual activity. It is not hard for a condom to break of for birth control pills to be forgotten once or twice during a cycle to cause a pregnancy. In addition, once a female becomes pregnant there are few options she can explore. In a like manner, adults are an impact on a teens sexuality. Most teens look up to an adult and admire them. Likewise, they want to try to be like there idol. This is why an adult can have a profound impact on a teen trying to cope with the pressures of sexuality. That is why all adults in all classes of society should watch what they do or say in relation to teens. For example, The President of the United States was adulterous and lied about it. We as society say so what? when the accusations surfaced at first(Kavanagh 13). In the same fashion, the media plays a huge part of sexual pressures exerted on a teen. One way being television. Television at the present time is full of vulgarness and sex. As far as prime time television is concerned is safer to watch old re runs of the Lucy Show and the Cosby Show. they ere from an era where sex was not such a prime time staple(Riley 186). .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 , .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .postImageUrl , .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 , .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5:hover , .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5:visited , .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5:active { border:0!important; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5:active , .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5 .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u513974b43bce6ba11dc2ff32462b89a5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Introduction For A Business Ethics Essay This show how much society has changed concerning sex. In the old times sex was not a way to get better ratings like it is today. Similarly, music has an impact on an adolescents sexuality. Rap lyrics at the current time are full of obscenities and words concerning sex. In the rapper Eminems song Role Model , he says, Im going to rape her and leave her, once I get near her(mathers 1). When the media says these kind of things teens are lead to believe that this type of behavior is normal and should not be digressed. Every teen listens to some kind of music with obscenities and vulgarness, so all are subjected to these kind of musical lyrics. Many teens even idolize musical artists, so they would intern try to be like what they think the artist actually does. Even though most lyrics are just lyrics and are not intentionally made to mislead teens or anyone. In conclusion, I have found that the media is one of the factors concerning teen sexuality. Furthermore, peers are another huge impact on a teens sexuality. In addition, there where also pressures from adults. through this I search paper I have found out a lot of interesting concepts concerning what a teen is pressured by sexually, during the growing years. It was one of the most informative researches I ever did.Bibliography:

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wired for Distraction free essay sample

The use of technology is increasing drastically in today’s teens and young adults, but what exactly is the combination of cell phones, computers, IPads, and video games doing besides distracting kids from real life? In the article â€Å"Wired for Distraction† by Dalton Conley, he tells us what technology is doing to our future. He explains what it is doing to our culture and how it is changing it. Also, he explains the different types of memory and which one you use when you are paying attention in school, or when you are distracted. In the article Wired for Distraction, Dalton Conley tells us that kids are always distracted by social media, music, and entertainment from technology. Continuous partial attention is due to that, which is simultaneously paying attention to multiple sources, such as, internet, cell phone, or television. Most kids think that by doing their homework and listening to music they are learning how to multitask. We will write a custom essay sample on Wired for Distraction or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But a 2009 study found that people who used some sort of electronics scored worse than people who didn’t because people who do are more prone to distracting stimuli than light media multitaskers. Time 56) With multitasking you need to do something that is almost automatic, for example, eating a sandwich. But when you start to do two things that both require cognitive thinking, the quality of your work decreases. For example, walking and talking are both automatic thinking strategies and require little or no thinking. But, when you try doing two things that both require thinking, such as math and English, you cannot do both at the same time. One example of continuous partial attention in my life is when I watch the television instead of listening to my mother when she is talking to me. About a month ago I was watching my favorite show, Ghost Whisperer, when my mom tells me an entire list of chores I need to get done before she gets home, and of course I just nodded my head and agreed. As soon as she walked out of the door a commercial came on and I had no idea what she had said or known where she was going to. I had to call her and ask what she wanted done. That is a perfect example of continuous partial attention, I was so focused on my show that when my mom was talking I only took initiative that she was talking. But, since I’ve been so busy with school and dance I have no time for T. V. o I get my chores done the first time she asks and I have realized that I focus better on her. Another example of this is when my best friend is on her phone and I am talking to her, she has no recollection of what I said, so I always have to repeat myself. I can be having a very serious conversation with her and she’ll be texting her boyfriend and that makes me feel very belittled and unimportant to her. Knowing that I don’t have her full attention I will just stop talking and see how long it takes for her to realize it. I can see that she is partially listening to me, and partially paying attention to her social media. Having continuous partial attention can cause relationships to fail and also health problems when you cannot focus on one thing without getting distracted from little objects. If people keep distracting themselves from the real world by the media and electronics we’re going to have a big change in kids and the mentors are not going to know what to do. In my opinion social media in kids’ lives are changing them into different cultural beings, by having their hopes and dreams in the clouds because their role models, billionaires and rap stars, set the wrong example. For example, a lot of people in my school like the country singer Taylor Swift, they want to be just like her. The fact is that she’s worked her entire life working hard to be the best singer she can make herself. They can’t just wake up and be a good singer, you have to strive for it. I think people look up to her because they want to be like her, but why would you want to be like someone else when you can shape yourself into being whatever you want? Let’s face it, if you have lived in a small town and never had voice lessons, never played an instrument, how are you ever going to be a famous pop star or rapper, you’re not going to be. You have to work at the things you want they just don’t come to you like the social media makes us believe, that some people just â€Å"have it†. And this is all caused by parents letting their kids 8 to 18 spend at least 7 hours and 38 minutes a day using entertainment media. (Time 55) Some one in my life who culture changed tremendously is my friend Tyler. He likes the Hip-Hop artist Lil’ Wayne and tries to be exactly like him. Lil’ Wayne is living in a mansion and has billions of money, and he got there by working hard at what he loved, and also by screwing people over. Now, Tyler on the other hand lives in a very small town and lives in an apartment and thinks that sitting by and not doing anything with his dream is going to make him famous. See the dilemma? Social media is bad for people’s dreams, we end up in a fantasy world and we don’t know how to return to earth. I think by limiting how long you let your kids have their cell phones, no facebook during school, and no electronics after 9:30 so they can get a good night’s sleep without any distractions. It is shown that the children of the parents, who drink too much caffeine, that do drugs or drink alcohol when pregnant have challenges in the work field and in school. The same thing occurs when you let kids at a young age have too much technology, their brains not only have trouble understanding, but it effects how their brains absorb new information. (Time 56) The procedural memory is a type of long term memory of how to do basic skills, such as, eat, walk, talk, and play. These things are something you do every day, so they become automatic. This is the part of the brain students use when they are learning, if you are distracted by music, it’s more of a habit so they are not getting the knowledge out of learning. However, the declarative memory is the other type of long term memory and it refers to memories that can be consciously recalled such as facts and knowledge. (Time Wikipedia) An example of someone who uses their procedural memory is my friend Nate, in math class he always listens so his IPod and is constantly asking me questions and has no idea how to do any of the questions the teacher , that just spent an hour explaining, taught us. He learns almost like a habit and doesn’t take anything from the lesson. On the other hand, I don’t listen to music when the teacher is talking and it all seems very simple to me, and that is because I’m learning with my declarative memory instead of my procedural memory. If Nate would stop using his IPod for three days he would understand better and know how to do the work without asking so many questions. The real question in his article is, should there be limits or should technology be prohibited? Most students in my school believe that they should be able to have their phones whenever they feel because they pay for it, it’s their property. What I’ve learned from this article is that we should have limits and shouldn’t be able to have our phones at all when we are in school because you’re not allowed to use them in the work area or in college. Logically, it’s breaking the law if you use your phone during work hours, so it should be illegal to use them during school. It’s the parents jobs to make sure their kids do not take them to school but so many of the parents are failing to raise them correctly that their teachers have to yell at them for it. Teachers’ jobs are not to babysit kids it is to teach them, and when they have social media and entertainment around them they cannot learn. Ethically you should follow the rules and listen to the teacher if they do tell you to put it away, or give it to them if you are using it during learning hours. Your phone in school, for example, is the quickest way to get distracted and is a constant temptation to look at it. I leave my phone in my locker because even if no one is texting me I still look at it, almost like a reaction so I’m constantly getting distracted. Most kids in high school only look at this from an emotional side and think that they’re big kids and they can handle it, but even adults struggle with getting distracted. Also, why would you jeopardize your education when it is a necessity in the working world? Kids are heading into a downward spiral by converting their lives over to technology, and changing their way of lives because of social media. My opinion is not to take away technology for good, just to limit the usage of it in families and young kids. The way we need to do that is to set time limits on how long you or kids should be allowed on the internet or on their phones, by taking their phones out of their rooms while they’re sleeping, and no social media that would set a bad example. You need to be more focused on what your kids are doing, not so much spying on them, but making sure they’re not over using technology. Also, don’t get too caught up in it to the point that you are too distracted to enjoy life, and don’t abuse it.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


S ECTOR /I NDUSTRY R ESEARCH W ORKSHEET Essays - Free Essays S ECTOR /I NDUSTRY R ESEARCH W ORKSHEET Name: James Musasizi Period: 5 Team Name: Wolf Squad By grouping stocks into sectors and industries, it is easier for investors to evaluate stocks within the same industry and assess the economic strength or weakness of that industry. Go to a stock research website, such as Google Finance or Yahoo! Finance, and find one stock in an industry under each sector listed below. Provide the stock name, ticker symbol, current stock price, and products/services of that company. Sector Industry Name Company Name Ticker Price Product/Services Basic Materials Iron, Steel, mills and Foundries AK Steel Holding Corporation AKS 2.29 Produces flat-rolled carbon, stainless and electrical steels and tubular products through its wholly-owned subsidiary Capital Goods Farm and Construction Machinery Caterpillar INC. CAT 63.65 manufactures and sells construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines, and diesel-electric locomotives worldwide Conglomerates Conglomerates Mitsubishi Corporation MBC 1,909,42 Conducts infrastructure projects, related trading operations, and other activities in power generation, water transportation, and other infrastructure fields. Consumer, Cyclical Television Broadcasting Nexstar Broadcasting INC. NXST 44.82 The Company owned, operated, programmed or provided sales and other services to 87 television stations and 26 digital multicast channels in 49 markets Consumer, Non-cyclical Commercial Fishing Omega Protein Corporation OME 16.54 The Company operates through two segments: animal nutrition and human nutrition. The animal nutrition segment consists primarily of two subsidiaries: Omega Protein, Inc. (Omega Protein) and Omega Shipyard, Inc. Energy Oil and Gas Drilling Atwood Oceanies, Inc ATW 14.35 A global offshore drilling contractor engaged in the drilling and completion of exploratory and developmental oil and gas wells. Financial Real Estate Services SouFun Holdings Ltd SFUN 5.82 Supports online communities and networks of users seeking information on, and services for, the real estate and home-related sectors in China. Healthcare Specialty and Advanced Pharmaceuticals Rockwell Medical Inc RMTI 7.86 A biopharmaceutical company targeting end-stage renal disease and chronic kidney disease with products and services for the treatment of iron deficiency, secondary hyperparathyroidism and hemodialysis. Industrial Goods Cement Cemex, S.A.B. de C.V. Sponsored CX 89.1 A building materials company, produces, markets, distributes, and sells cement, ready-mix concrete, aggregates, and other construction materials in Mexico, the United States, Northern Europe, the Mediterranean, South America, the Caribbean, and Asia. Services Grocery Stores Tesco PLC TSCO 174.95 It is engaged in the retail banking and insurance services through Tesco Bank in the United Kingdom Bank. Technology Computer Hardware Apple INC. AAPL 110.17 Designs, manufactures and markets mobile communication and media devices, personal computers, and portable digital music players, and a variety of related software. Telecommunications Wireless Telecommunication Services ATT INC. T 32.96 The Company provides telecommunications services. Its services and products include wireless communications, data/broadband and Internet services, video services, local exchange services, long-distance services, telecommunications equipment, managed networking and wholesale services. Transportation Courier Services Air T , INC AIRT 17.67 The ground equipment sales segment consists of its Global Ground Support, LLC (GGS) subsidiary, manufactures and provides mobile deicers to passenger and cargo airlines, airports, the military and industrial customers. Utilities Natural Gas Utilities Energy Transfer Partners

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Childhood Protection and Child Rights; Lex ferenda; Breaking the Cycle Essay

Childhood Protection and Child Rights; Lex ferenda; Breaking the Cycle of Violence within the Child Phd Thesis - Essay Example According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is no one "official" definition of mental health. To define Mental Health academicians rely on various theories from cultural differences, subjective assessments, and competing professional.1 This research project has sought its backing in principles of child psychology. By matching and comparing the definition of a â€Å"child† in law and psychology, one realise the emerging truth of a lack of understanding in law-making, judiciary and legal pronouncements as to concepts, such as child vulnerability, child needs, and child resilience. In concrete words, what changes for a child who has been victim of sexual violence? What changes for a child who is working day and night in a factory? What changes for a child who is living on the streets? What changes for a child arrested? What changes for a child beaten up by police? Well, the first and foremost change is at the level of mental health. The way she thinks, the way she fee ls. Mental health of children is an important aspect of child-right study discourse. Through the understanding, one can assure the child is able to ‘bounce back’ and recover from a difficult situation. What is important to realise is that the mental health promotion dealt with in this research is actually a promotion and prevention in the aftermath of a severe incident or process, in the child’s life. These are the promotion of a child’s special needs, and the prevention of long-term violent impacts on the society. The later chapters deal with the reactions and risks of un-dealt trauma, and societal progress linked to the wellbeing of its children. The research study does not per se differentiate between categories of children. The categories presented here are neither exhaustive nor exclusive. Mostly vulnerable children fall into many of the categories. For instance, street children can also be child labourers, and sexually abused. My

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Identity - Essay Example Therefore, our identity is then defined by how we think we fit in to the world around us, and how we feel we stand out (positively/ negatively). Our culture, beliefs and they way our parents have provided us upbringing shapes our thoughts and perception of the situation and hence the world around us. We are a part of the culture that is followed in a country to which we belong, the language we speak the religion we follow the beliefs we acquire through ancestry. This together culminates to a civilization, our ethnicity and no culture can influence it. The way we are presented in the society ascertain and formulate our identity. Our behavior, our communication skills become our tools that enable us to survive and prosper. Our customs and traditions which we follow define our integrity and values we have in our lives. They are the aids of social interaction and do provide an individual a distinctive identity. Therefore identity is personal, social and ethnic and the personality that is shaped out of this is an amalgamation of all these convictions. Thus, establishing one's identity can be both a liberating and an oppressive occurrence as separation from any one of these parameters directly influences the identity and personality of the individual. For e.g. 1. Children who have been separated from their family or country of origin due to migration may become perplexed about their personal and social identities. They experience a number of moves, been cared for by different people in different places, lost important contacts and relationships from their past, been separated from family, friends and their ethnic and cultural networks. 2. Adopted child has some different personality especially those who are from diverse cultural backgrounds or have some kind of disability. Feeling or being made to feel different is a major issue for children who have been adopted. For the adopted child, the stigma of not living with their birth family, living as a cultural or ethnic minority and becoming accustomed to what it means to be adopted are lifelong adjustments. 3. Similar kind of stigma is felt by the children of the prisoners and those who commit punishable offence. Parent's deed affects the individuality of the child and provides a social aloofness, this make the child unique and shapes the personality of a child in a different perspective. The child may start hating the family/ society or parents or cultivate some kind of criminal psyche within the premature mind. 4. Children of the broken marriage also face identity crisis and are confused. They feel ashamed to talk about the disputes their parents have undergone resulting in unsuccessful marriage. It inculcates the seeds of insecurity in the child's mind and changes the psychology of the child. The child does not gain trust on any one and any kind of relationship throughout the life. This is the way personality is changed and shaped. 5. Parents undergoing the phase of mourning after divorce establishes a new sense of self and hence a new sense of identity. It is established that in a long-term marriage, each individual's sense of self-identity becomes tied to the other person and indeed to the marriage itself. Following a broken marriage, each person must reach back into his or her early experience and find other images and

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Psychological Disorders Essay Example for Free

Psychological Disorders Essay This paper aims to discuss three psychological disorders along with its primary symptoms and usual signs of trouble linked with the disorders. It also intends to state why it is important to be aware of these symptoms. The first one is categorized as â€Å"mood disorders† (Types of Psychological Disorders, n. d. , n. p. ). The primary symptoms exhibited here include: strong/severe and insistent feelings (Types of Psychological Disorders, n. d. , n. p. ). Furthermore, one of its subcategories known as â€Å"Bipolar Disorder† show the following signs: 1) if an individual is in a positive mode, he or she is extremely energetic; 2) but if she or he is depressed, his or her self-esteem tends to fall so low to the point of contemplating on suicide; 3) he or she may also â€Å"become engaged in too much eating, drinking, sexual activities, etcetera† (Types of Psychological Disorders, n. d. , n. p. ). With this psychological disorder, it is important to be aware of the symptoms because there are other mood disorders which also exhibit some of the symptoms/signs linked with â€Å"Bipolar Disorder†. The second is known as â€Å"personality disorders† (Franklin, 1999, n. p. ). One of its sub-categories is named â€Å"anti-social personality disorder† wherein the primary symptom exhibited is disobeying rules (Franklin, 1999, n. p. ). The usual sign linked with this, on the other hand, is â€Å"lying† and the worse is that it is carried out just for fun (Franklin, 1999, n. p. ). Last but not least is â€Å"anxiety disorders† (Franklin, 1999, n. p. ). One of its subcategories is known as â€Å"phobia† which exhibits the following primary symptoms: â€Å"tight feelings of fear† (Types of Psychological Disorders, n. . , n. p. ). The usual sign linked with it is when a person is too scared even if his or her extreme fear is unreasonable (Ticao, 2001, p. 358). On a final note, with these psychological disorders, it is important to be aware of the symptoms because there are other mood, personality, and anxiety disorders which also exhibit some of the symptoms/signs linked with â€Å"Bipolar Disorder†, â€Å"anti-social personality disorder†, and phobia, respectively.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Significance of the Women in Oedipus Rex Essay -- Oedipus the King Oed

Significance of the Women in Oedipus Rex  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚         Michael J. O’Brien in the Introduction to Twentieth Century Interpretations of Oedipus Rex, maintains that there is â€Å"a good deal of evidence to support this view† that the fifth century playwright was the â€Å"educator of his people† and a â€Å"teacher†. Sophocles in his tragedy, Oedipus Rex, teaches about â€Å"morally desirable attitudes and behavior,† (4) and uses three women to help convey these principles of living. This essay will explore the role of women in the drama, the attitude toward women therein, the involvement of women in plot development, and other aspects of women in Oedipus Rex.    At the outset of Oedipus Rex no female characters are present; the reader sees a king who comes to the door full of curiosity: â€Å"Explain your mood and purport. Is it dread /Of ill that moves you or a boon ye crave?† When the priest has responded that the people are despairing from the effects of the plague, the king shows sympathy for his subjects: â€Å"Ye sicken all, well wot I, yet my pain, /How great soever yours, outtops it all.† Thomas Van Nortwick in Oedipus: The Meaning of a Masculine Life : â€Å"We see already the supreme self-confidence and ease of command in Oedipus. . . . exudes a godlike mastery in the eyes of his subjects. . . .†(21-22); such â€Å"godlike mastery† will be his undoing. The critic Ehrenberg warns that it â€Å"may lead to ‘hubris’† (74-75). Throughout the drama Sophocles draws out an ongoing contrast between the â€Å"godlike mastery† of the king and the softer, more balanced and selfless charac teristics of Jocasta, his wife. She is a foil to Oedipus. Shortly thereafter Creon, Jocasta’s brother, is returning from the Delphic oracle with the fateful words of the god’s command: â€Å"... ...ichael J. O’Brien. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968.    Segal, Charles Paul. â€Å"Sophocles’ Praise of Man and the Conflicts of the Antigone.† In Sophocles: A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Thomas Woodard. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966.    Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. Transl. by F. Storr. no pag. new?tag=public&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&part=0&id=SopOedi    â€Å"Sophocles† In Literature of the Western World, edited by Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. NewYork: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1984.    Van Nortwick, Thomas.   Oedipus: The Meaning of a Masculine Life. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1998.    Watling, E. F.. Introduction. In Sophocles: The Theban Plays, translated by E. F. Watling. New York: Penguin Books, 1974. Significance of the Women in Oedipus Rex Essay -- Oedipus the King Oed Significance of the Women in Oedipus Rex  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚         Michael J. O’Brien in the Introduction to Twentieth Century Interpretations of Oedipus Rex, maintains that there is â€Å"a good deal of evidence to support this view† that the fifth century playwright was the â€Å"educator of his people† and a â€Å"teacher†. Sophocles in his tragedy, Oedipus Rex, teaches about â€Å"morally desirable attitudes and behavior,† (4) and uses three women to help convey these principles of living. This essay will explore the role of women in the drama, the attitude toward women therein, the involvement of women in plot development, and other aspects of women in Oedipus Rex.    At the outset of Oedipus Rex no female characters are present; the reader sees a king who comes to the door full of curiosity: â€Å"Explain your mood and purport. Is it dread /Of ill that moves you or a boon ye crave?† When the priest has responded that the people are despairing from the effects of the plague, the king shows sympathy for his subjects: â€Å"Ye sicken all, well wot I, yet my pain, /How great soever yours, outtops it all.† Thomas Van Nortwick in Oedipus: The Meaning of a Masculine Life : â€Å"We see already the supreme self-confidence and ease of command in Oedipus. . . . exudes a godlike mastery in the eyes of his subjects. . . .†(21-22); such â€Å"godlike mastery† will be his undoing. The critic Ehrenberg warns that it â€Å"may lead to ‘hubris’† (74-75). Throughout the drama Sophocles draws out an ongoing contrast between the â€Å"godlike mastery† of the king and the softer, more balanced and selfless charac teristics of Jocasta, his wife. She is a foil to Oedipus. Shortly thereafter Creon, Jocasta’s brother, is returning from the Delphic oracle with the fateful words of the god’s command: â€Å"... ...ichael J. O’Brien. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968.    Segal, Charles Paul. â€Å"Sophocles’ Praise of Man and the Conflicts of the Antigone.† In Sophocles: A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Thomas Woodard. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966.    Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. Transl. by F. Storr. no pag. new?tag=public&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&part=0&id=SopOedi    â€Å"Sophocles† In Literature of the Western World, edited by Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. NewYork: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1984.    Van Nortwick, Thomas.   Oedipus: The Meaning of a Masculine Life. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1998.    Watling, E. F.. Introduction. In Sophocles: The Theban Plays, translated by E. F. Watling. New York: Penguin Books, 1974.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Wal Mart Case

http://www. economist. com/node/2593089 http://www. authorstream. com/Presentation/akmohideen-193472-wal-mart-case-study-education-ppt-powerpoint/ How Could Wal Mart Continue Its Extraordinary Growth Management Essay Introduction The history of Wal-Mart started in 1962 with the opening of its first store in Arkansas, USA. The store stared as a retailer in the United States, but grew to reach extraordinary levels in the years to come. Wal-Mart grew rapidly, and used several methods to accomplish this growth. They opened their own stores as well as acquiring existing stores and chains to facilitate their entry to the new markets.The growth was not limited to the number of stores that the company opened, but it extended to the areas of operation for the store. For example, Wal-Mart entered new areas of business as it grew like pharmacies and jewelries. Wal-Mart followed an aggressive expansion strategy that was the model for their business for years, redefining concepts as they grew. Bu t what is Wal-Mart. The store can be described as the following. It is chain of discount department stores that operate with the purpose of reducing prices, and focusing on the volume of sales.The company’s growth is extraordinary in every sense; Wal-Mart is currently the world’s largest company by sales. Wal-Mart has recorded $260 billion in sales in 2005. The company manages over 5000 stores worldwide, 3200 of the stores located in the US, 900 in the Americas, 350 in Europe, and 440 in Asia. Wal-Mart employs a very large workforce, it has over 2 million employees, and the number is gradually increasing. Wal-Mart has adopted advance mean of technology to help it run its operations, this methods helped the growth of the company. But can Wal-Mart continue with the same level of growth.A company needs to maintain growth, and to Wal-Mart a reduction in the level of growth would be a cause of concern for the company’s stakeholders, because growth has a competitive a dvantage for Wal-Mart ever since it started. But in the saturated business of retail can Wal-Mart sustain the levels of growth anymore. SWOT Analysis Can Wal-Mart maintain the level of growth it has seen any longer? The company has made a reputation on the bases of their growth can they keep it up, to answer that we need to conduct an analysis of the company and see elements that could determine this.A SWOT analysis would give us the needed insight. Strengths Wal-Mart is the largest company in the world; it has large volume of sales and operates over 500 stores worldwide, with 100 million clients a week. Wal-Mart has a great standing in the domestic market based on the low pricing methods they have used. Wal-Mart can change their formula to fit the market. (stores, supercenters, sam’s club, and neighborhood markets) Wal-Mart utilizes the latest technologies in inventory management to control their large inventory, and they have a wide range of products reaching over 100,000 i tems.Weaknesses Wal-Mart has faced criticism regarding their management of human resources, including accusation of the use of child labor, low pay for employees by industry standards, lack of benefit like health care, and reliance on temporary workers to lower their cost. The huge size of the company causes issues, like in the case of acquiring international ventures and integrating then in the Wal-Mart system. Despite its size it has a week presence and brand image in the international market. OpportunitiesWal-Mart has a competitive advantage over its rivals; their incorporation of the latest technologies in their daily operation increases the efficiency of these operations and saves them some money while trying to enter new markets. So they would have an easier time that their rivals. Wal-Mart can further expand into Europe and Asia, both huge markets that Wal-Mart have not began to fully pursue. Wal-Mart can use their adaptability and introduce cultural clusters products. For ex ample utilize the model that worked in Mexico in Latin America. ThreatsThe market is saturated, and Wal-Mart faces intense competition in both domestic and international market. Also they face competition from specialty stores. Wal-Mart faces different laws by different countries that force it to change it methods. For example being forced to unionize the workers in china under pressure from the government. Summary Wal-Mart faces several challenges in order to sustain the levels of growth it has experienced. But it is possible Wal-Mart to grow further. The company has to use the opportunities that are present to it.They can pursue international markets more aggressively, expand in under developed markets, and continue to incorporate technology to increase efficiency and reduce costs and delays. Wal-Mart could also begin appealing to the niche markets by introducing and focusing on some special products. Question 2- What would be the limits of that growth? Introduction Growth is an e ssential an essential aspect of every successful corporation, and Wal-Mart in particular has made it their trademark. The rapid growth and expansion has been a competitive edge for Wal-Mart since the beginning of its operation.However, as previously mentioned, for how long can the company maintain this level of growth? Wal-Mart’s domestic market in the United States is already saturated and they face heavy competition as well, therefore, it is logical to assume that Wal-Mart’s options lies in its international ventures. The company has started to successfully dominate several foreign markets, especially in Mexico, Canada, and to some degree, the United Kingdom, at the same time, it remains absent from other regional markets in Europe and Asia.These unused markets would be the next step for Wal-Marts’ expansion, and their ability to cultivate those opportunities would be the key factor that would determine the limit of their growth. When a company ventures into i nternational markets and unfamiliar cultures, they could face challenges that exist in adapting and changing to fit the culture. In addition, there are always external forces that would affect the growth potential of a corporation, and these factors are usually beyond the corporations’ control.So in order to determine the limit of Wal-Marts growth, we have to first analyze the external environments that would affect it, the analysis is named the PESTLE analysis of external forces. PESTLE Analysis The PESTLE analysis is a tool, used to examine the external forces that could affect a company or a corporation. This analysis tool would focus on six aspects which are the political forces, the economical factors, social elements, technological innovations, legal issues, and environmental considerations.Political Forces The political orders and systems differ from one country to another; they vary depending on the region you target. A company would be under the mercy of the politica l forces in each country it tries to enter; this will be a huge burden on companies and especially Wal-Mart. Since Wal-Mart prefers standardization methods, it would be a deviation from their successful methods of operation if they have to cater and change in every country they enter.To further elaborate, if Wal-Mart had to change in every country they entered, they would have to create different processes for every time they penetrate a new market, including, administration, training, and management. When it comes to growth, those factors could very well limit the growth of Wal-Mart in a new market or make it too expensive to be economically feasible. Economic Factors The economic cycle would obviously have a great effect on all aspects of any corporation. The economic booms encourage companies to expand, while the economic downturns force them to retreat.The effects of an economical downturn would limit or end the growth of a corporation, when a company plans to venture into new m arkets; they would have to take into consideration the type of economy they enter or the forecasted performance of said economy. Wal-Mart could expand into a market and be faced with an unexpected situation that would force it to cease operation, thus incurring a loss. Wal-Mart is in a constant state of expansion, so, suffering a loss in any of its fronts would reduce the profitability of the company and would damage future international expansion plans. Social ElementsSocieties differ from one country to another, the differences could be unimportant to a multinational corporation like Wal-Mart, or they could be severe enough that Wal-Marts would not be able to operate in that market. For example, Wal-Marts retail chain depends on low prices with low profit margins, but large volume of sales. That method could very well not work in other countries in which the society has different purchasing habits. The inability of a company to adapt to the social characteristics of a new country would severely limit their clients’ base in that country, or it could end their operations completely.Technological Innovations Wal-Mart has always utilized state of the art technology to gain a competitive edge, they have an integrated system of inventories that controls and monitors replenishing the stock in every store, this aspect dramatically increases the companys’ efficiency. Furthermore, the company is always looking for new technological ways to cut costs and increase efficiency. In the case of expansion into foreign markets, this vital aspect of Wal-Marts operation would be threatened.If a certain country does not have the infrastructure to support this kind of technology, Wal-Mart would lose that competitive edge in that market. As a result, the Wal-Mart model would not be fully usable in that market, which would decrease profitability and eventually limit the organizations growth. Legal Issues Laws that are different from one country to another could very w ell limit the growth of a company, by restricting certain aspects and eliminating others; they disturb the work flow of a company. These limitations forced by foreign laws are a major concern for an international company.Environmental Considerations The environment and the quest to maintain it has a great effect on major international corporations. Wal-Mart in specific, have had their run-ins with this certain issue, they have faced criticism and limitations in several countries due to a wide range of basis. Issues such as building stores on historic sites, or selling products that used wood from protected forests are issues that have more than once halted the expansion of Wal-Mart. Summary As seen, the company has no choice but to seek new markets to keep expanding, the growth rate could not be sustained in the US retail market.The limit of the Wal-Marts growth would be their abilities in penetrating international markets, and how they deal with the barriers that those external for ces push them into. Ultimately, it would come down to flexibility and willingness to change from the companies’ part. On the other hand, Wal-Mart can recreate its amazing growth performance in its domestic market by fully analyzing all the possible external forces that could have a hand in limiting their growth and formulating the strategic plans that would allow them to carry the essence of their successful model into new markets, even if it was in a new form.Question 3- Did Asia and Europe offer Wal-Mart real opportunities for international market dominance? Introduction One of the major aims of any company is growth; they seek to expand their market share or client base or any of the several elements. Eventually, the growth is their goal, due to that fact that when a company stops growing it gives the image of trouble to its stakeholders. Companies will at some point have to consider exploring new markets, these markets would most likely be outside the companys home countr y.Expansion into a foreign market offers many advantages to companies and is very appealing to most of them, however, it is important that all corporations carefully analyze the environments that they are about to enter. In these foreign markets, there could be forces that if ignored could cost a company greatly. Wal-Mart is not new to international expansion and they already operate in several countries. Despite that fact, Wal-Marts performance in some international markets did not match their extraordinary domestic growth.To better understand those reasons, we have to analyze the environments that Wal-Mart ventured into, as well as the forces they faced. Porters Five Forces The Porter Five Forces is a tool used to analyze the competitive environment in any industry in order to determine the level of threats that the company faces. Porter categorized the threats into five headings. Threat of new entry Wal-Mart is in the retail business and more specifically the discount retail indu stry, the threat of new entry is low to medium.Wal-Mart is a well established company that has mastered the processes and has set up highly efficient operations, especially their distribution networks. Threats on this level is low due to the barriers that a new competitor would face in order to compete against Wal-Mart. This point is at its strongest in Wal-Marts domestic market, the situation is different when Wal-Mart ventured abroad where Wal-Marts lesser presence acts against it, but even then, Wal-Mart could enter the market and use its pricing methods to successfully obtain a share in the new market. Threat of RivalryThis threat is medium to high; Wal-Mart has a lot of competitors in both domestic and international markets and as a result of Wal-Marts nature, it has a large number of competitors. Wal-Mart faces intense competition from organizations such as Target and Best Buy, each of those companies are a threat to Wal-Marts dominance in the market. In the international fiel d, Wal-Mart faces competition from well established multinational corporations like Carrefour, the level of competition that Wal-Mart faces abroad is significantly higher due to their weaker presence in those markets. The bargaining power of customersThe bargaining power of customers is how much of an effect can the reaction and interaction of customers have on the strategies that companies use. This force is medium, while it is true that customers would have a wide range of choices and options to choose from other than Wal-Mart, the company possesses the characteristics that attracted people to it in the first place, that aspect being convenience. A single individual/customer would have no bargaining power if he/she sought the convenience of having everything in one place; however, customers that have specific needs would simply go to another store for their purchases.The bargaining power suppliers Wal-Mart sells general items in addition to some of its own product lines; they are a dominant force in the domestic US market, which means that suppliers have very little bargaining power over them. As a dominating force, Wal-Mart can move from one supplier to the other very easily, and with the massive variety they have, they can afford to remove some products. Larger companies that deal with Wal-Mart have somewhat more bargaining power, but in general, Wal-Mart is safe from this threat. Threat of substitutesThis threat could be viewed from two different perspectives, if you consider that Wal-Mart has been selling general products, then it is easily changeable, however, if we look at it and view that the convenience of having everything in one place combined with low prices is Wal-Marts main product, then this threat is very low. There are very few places that could even offer a similar level of convenience. Summary Wal-Mart has different situations in Europe and Asia. In Europe, Wal-Marts methods were successful in the UK, but less so in other parts of the conti nent.They faced stiff competition and the unfamiliarity of some of those markets played a role in limiting their dominance. In Asia, their situation is rather different; many of the Asian countries are ones that have developing economies. Wal-Marts low price strategy and their ability to function with low profit margins will enable them to establish themselves in those markets. Question 4- How could the company take advantage of its global reach to propel itself through the years to come? IntroductionFew companies can successfully expand to the extent that Wal-Mart has; the companys growth has been extraordinary to say the least, however, taking into consideration the companys size, Wal-Mart has a weak international presence. It is true that Wal-Mart has hundreds of stores operating outside its domestic market, which gives it a certain level of international reach. By strengthening their presence in foreign markets, they are lowering their risks and also increasing their profitabili ty.When a company operates in many different markets, the risk of an economic downturn is less severe since the company would not depend on only one market for its profitability. Moreover, foreign markets are opportunities for growth and untapped potential. Wal-Mart could use their presence in foreign markets to grow and penetrate other close by regions. By going international, the company guarantees their presence in several markets. Companies need a strategic plan for the future, without it they have no hope of maintaining any success they might have had. Strategic PlanningStrategic planning is a process in which every company plans what to do for the future; the process requires that the company have clear goals and understanding of themselves. Wal-Mart is a company that has been well aware of this process, the organization has built its name by focusing on providing items at low prices, in technical terms, and they are following the generic strategy of cost leadership. Wal-Mart aimed to be the competitor that attracts clients on the basis of low cost, despite having a wide range of products, Wal-Mart appeals to its clients’ base with their low prices.After going international, Wal-Mart attempted to immolate the formula that led to its success. However, they were faced with difficulties stemming from the cultural and social differences between its domestic market and the foreign market. Wal-Mart partially overcame that obstacle by abandoning the strategy of standardization, and adapting a flexible mean of market penetration, they have on several occasions changed their store formula to fit the local image.Wal-Marts success overseas could almost entirely be attributed to its ability to formulate their stores around local concepts by partnering up or buying out well established local chains, thus, not forcing a clash with the American image of Wal-Mart. Summary Wal-Mart has a dominating presence in their domestic market and a strong presence in several other countries. The company can use that global reach to sustain its growth for many more years to come by using the strategies that made it succeed in the first place and applying them to those new markets.This feature backed up by the companys ability to adapt to differences from one country to another would help make the penetration of the new markets run smoothly. Moreover, the global reach would allow it to make use of the ideas and resources of their partners in those markets, the ideas could benefit Wal-Mart in the fact that they could transfer it to other markets without the need of creating entirely new models. Read more:Â  http://www. ukessays. com/essays/management/how-could-wal-mart-continue-its-extraordinary-growth-management-essay. php#ixzz2NFqxWBIn

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Significance of the Handkerchief in Othello - 823 Words

How can one small piece of fabric manifest so much havoc? In William Shakespeare’s Othello, there is great significance of a powerful symbol that completely alters the fate of the story. â€Å"In the case of the handkerchief, it stands for several things, things that cannot be seen† (Hacht 663). This symbol, the handkerchief, is given to Desdemona by Othello, as a token of his love, and to their new beginnings as husband and wife. However, the meaning of the handkerchief is viewed differently in various characters perspectives. Reaching the hands of most of the characters, this item results in a sense of irony. What was anticipated to be the start of a new beginning, ultimately turns that vision into an abrupt end. Already there is a high†¦show more content†¦Even though it reaches many of the characters hands, Iago seems to be the only one that possesses an uncanny control over the handkerchief. The handkerchief missing only stirs the pot for upcoming chaos. According to the magical powers of the handkerchief, to lose it, Othello claims is to lose his love for her. Upon discovering it to be suddenly misplaced, this only continues to benefit Iago, and the revenge he sets to pursue. With the loss of the handkerchief, it only adds more strain onto the marriage of Desdemona and Othello. Throughout the story, the handkerchief is observed to be Iago’s secret weapon for his revenge. With it, Iago is able to double-cross the people that seem to get in his way of his plan (Ardolino 1). However, most is achieved with some unintended help. Many of his set intentions are accomplished with the aid of his charm and, with the help of his wife, Emilia. This is observed when he requests for her to retrieve the handkerchief for him. Although, she isn’t seems quite hesitant of what he asks, considering Desdemona is a close friend, she obeys, despite knowing what she’s real ly doing for Iago. Emilia only seems to view the handkerchief as a way to satisfy her husband in the hopes of him desiring her. By this, Iago is exposed to only show appreciation and affection towards her if she has anything to provide for him. Iago takes advantage of the situation by using the handkerchief. Once obtaining it from Emilia, he places itShow MoreRelatedThe Significance of the Handkerchief in Othello by Shakespeare566 Words   |  3 Pages The handkerchief is significant to the plot, mainly to Iagos manipulation of Othello and his convincing the latter of Desdemonas infidelity. Moreover, it sheds light over Iago, Desdemona, Othello and Emilias characters, and is thus important to characterisation. The symbolic significance attached to the handkerchief reveals Othellos social background, his treatment of Desdemona and the latters feelings towards her husband. 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