Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Significance of the Handkerchief in Othello - 823 Words

How can one small piece of fabric manifest so much havoc? In William Shakespeare’s Othello, there is great significance of a powerful symbol that completely alters the fate of the story. â€Å"In the case of the handkerchief, it stands for several things, things that cannot be seen† (Hacht 663). This symbol, the handkerchief, is given to Desdemona by Othello, as a token of his love, and to their new beginnings as husband and wife. However, the meaning of the handkerchief is viewed differently in various characters perspectives. Reaching the hands of most of the characters, this item results in a sense of irony. What was anticipated to be the start of a new beginning, ultimately turns that vision into an abrupt end. Already there is a high†¦show more content†¦Even though it reaches many of the characters hands, Iago seems to be the only one that possesses an uncanny control over the handkerchief. The handkerchief missing only stirs the pot for upcoming chaos. According to the magical powers of the handkerchief, to lose it, Othello claims is to lose his love for her. Upon discovering it to be suddenly misplaced, this only continues to benefit Iago, and the revenge he sets to pursue. With the loss of the handkerchief, it only adds more strain onto the marriage of Desdemona and Othello. Throughout the story, the handkerchief is observed to be Iago’s secret weapon for his revenge. With it, Iago is able to double-cross the people that seem to get in his way of his plan (Ardolino 1). However, most is achieved with some unintended help. Many of his set intentions are accomplished with the aid of his charm and, with the help of his wife, Emilia. This is observed when he requests for her to retrieve the handkerchief for him. Although, she isn’t seems quite hesitant of what he asks, considering Desdemona is a close friend, she obeys, despite knowing what she’s real ly doing for Iago. Emilia only seems to view the handkerchief as a way to satisfy her husband in the hopes of him desiring her. By this, Iago is exposed to only show appreciation and affection towards her if she has anything to provide for him. Iago takes advantage of the situation by using the handkerchief. Once obtaining it from Emilia, he places itShow MoreRelatedThe Significance of the Handkerchief in Othello by Shakespeare566 Words   |  3 Pages The handkerchief is significant to the plot, mainly to Iagos manipulation of Othello and his convincing the latter of Desdemonas infidelity. Moreover, it sheds light over Iago, Desdemona, Othello and Emilias characters, and is thus important to characterisation. The symbolic significance attached to the handkerchief reveals Othellos social background, his treatment of Desdemona and the latters feelings towards her husband. 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