Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Break Bad Habits Essay Example

How to Break Bad Habits Essay Example How to Break Bad Habits Essay How to Break Bad Habits Essay How To Break Bad Habits Everyone has bad habits that they need to break. Some people may realize it and others may not. Breaking a bad habit is something that can be hard to do but you have to put yourself to the test. Like me for example Im always on the phone or texting my boyfriend throughout the whole day. Its cool and all but I need to cut that down a bit. Nobody needs to be talking or texting their girlfriend or boyfriend for a whole day unless its really important. I have four tips that can help you break your bad habits. You just have to put your mind to it and try not to over think yourself or get stressed out. The first tip is to have a friend join you in this challenge. Doing this challenge alone can be stressful and sometimes you would give it up before you even started. Having someone experiencing the same thing as you can be helpful. You both can help each other set goals that the both of you would want to reach. Having a friend do this challenge with you is good start and can make things very interesting. It can be like a little competition between the both of you. When having another person to do the challenge with you will be more motivated and willing to go all way to the end. Motivation is always needed if you want to accomplish this challenge. The second tip is to set a goal for yourself. Having a goal is what let you know what you have your mind set on. Without a goal you wouldnt really be knowing what you want to accomplish from this challenge. Self improvement tips is always needed. Sometimes when you have self improvement tips that goal that you set for yourself seems to really come into place. Its like once you have set your mind to that goal you are determined to accomplish it. Focusing on your goal will help keep your mind set on one thing. That one thing would be to succeed and not be a failure. The third tip is to figure out how you started this bad habit. A bad habit always start from somewhere and there is always a reason. People tend to over look their bad habit and forget how it even started. Figuring out how your bad habit can be hard to do sometimes and can take time to think about. After you figured it out the cause it can help you overcome that habit or addiction. You always have to start from the beginning in order to get your answer. Sometimes people dont know how their habit started. I guess this is why its so hard for people to to try and break their bad habits. The last tip to breaking a bad habit would be replacing your bad habits with good habits. For all the bad habits you are trying to get over replace them with good habits. Substituting bad habits with good ones is a good start. Eventually you would find yourself doing more good then bad. After while your it would seem like you didnt even have any bad habits from the start. When having good habits replace the bad ones, its like a way of deleting the bad things out your life. You can say bye bye to the bad habits and hello to the good habits. These four tips are very good to use and is easy to follow. Breaking out of a bad habit can be hard to do at times. Its just you just have to put your mind to and be willing to go through a little change in your life. Remember to always try and break your bad habits when you have the chance. Dont always overlook them cause that can cause trouble. You know that saying once you turn black you dont go back. Well I guess you can say the same for breaking bad habits. Once you break your bad habits and replaced them with new ones, theres no way to want to turn back.

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